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老龙头位于山海关城南4公里的渤海之滨,这里是明长城的东部起点。老龙头地势高峻,有明代蓟镇总兵戚继光所建“入海石城”,“入海石城”犹如龙首深入大海,弄涛舞浪,因名“老龙头”龙龙头由入海石城、靖卤台、南海口关和澄海楼等部分组成。澄海楼高踞老龙头之上,为明代所建,清康熙、乾隆年间重修。楼上有明朝大学士孙承宗所书“胸襟万里”和清乾隆皇帝所书“澄海楼”匾额。楼壁镶嵌有数块历史人物手书的卧碑,刻着“天开海岳”四个苍劲有力的大字。登上老龙头,面对波涛汹涌,云水苍茫的大海,可以尽览“长城万里 跨龙头,纵自凭高更上楼,大风吹日云奔回,巨浪排空雪怒浮”的壮美景象,产生无穷的遐想
The Starting Point of the Great wall LAO LONG TOU
Located on the shore of the Bohai Sea about 4 kilometers away from the city of Shanhaiguan,LaoLongTou is the starting point of the Ming-Dynasty Great Wall .Set against the moutain and facing the sea, the 11 metres high wall was contructed weth stones at its base, with a section of about 25 metres extending down to the sea. It is called ‘The Stone Wall Entering the sea’ and was built by Qijiguang. Commander of the garrison troops at Jizhen in the MingDyasty. The huge stone wall looks like a dragon’s head poking into the wast sea head LaoLongTou consists of the wall extending to the sea.Jinglutai, Nanhaikouguan an  Chenghailou.  The tower of Chenghailou was first built in the MingDynasty an rebuilt during the Kangxi an Qianlong Periods of  the Qing. Hung on it are two horizontal boards. One of witch has insciptions written by Sun Chengzong , a high official of the Ming and the other with inscriptions by Emperor Qianlong of the QING On the wall of the buiding are inlaid several stone tablets with inscriptions written by famous people of past dynasties .On the southern sids of the ower is a huge stone tablet weth four characters carved on it At laolongtou one can enjoy a panormic view of the vast sky, the boundless surging sea and the magnificent ranging moutains.



